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Annual Reports

Annual Report 2018 – 2019

Download PDF (705 KB)

Annual Report 2019 – 2020

Download PDF (880 KB)

Annual Report 2020 – 2021


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Annual Report 2021 – 2022


Download PDF (705 KB)

Annual Report 2022 – 2023


Download PDF (811 KB)

Business Plans

Business Plan 2022-23


Download PDF (462 KB)

PBS Business Continuity Plan


Download PDF (141 KB)

Corporate Plans

Corporate Plans

We will deliver our statutory functions to ensure that only prisoners whose risk can be safely managed may serve the remainder of their sentence in the community under the supervision of a social worker whilst subject to stringent licence conditions.

Download PDF (872 KB)

Memorandum of Understanding

Memorandum of Understanding

Memorandum of Understanding between Scottish Ministers and the Chair of the Parole Board for Scotland in relation to the Governance Arrangements for the Parole Board for Scotland.

Download PDF (137 KB)

Victims and Witnesses

Chair observation guidance for Tribunals


Download PDF (315 KB)

GDPR – Privacy Guidance – Information held on victims – VNS


Download PDF (45 KB)

Giving evidence at Tribunals and Hearings


Download PDF (16 KB)

Standards of Service for Victims and Witnesses 2021-2022

Download PDF (396 KB)

Standards of Service for Victims and Witnesses 2023-2024


Download PDF (558 KB)

Standards of Service for Victims and Witnesses: Annual Report on Performance 2021-2022


Download PDF (523 KB)

Standards of Service for Victims and Witnesses: Annual Report on Performance 2022-2023


Download PDF (683 KB)

Standards of Service for Victims and Witnesses: Annual Report on Performance 2020-2021

Download PDF (688 KB)

Top Tips Guide for Conducting Victims Observations


Download PDF (124 KB)

General Documents

Application Template

Download PDF (15 KB)

Complaints Procedure

Download PDF (58 KB)

Convener Letter

Download PDF (23 KB)

Covid-19 – Guidance for Members – Audio Conferencing for Tribunals and Oral Hearings


Download PDF (262 KB)

Covid-19 – Guidance for Solicitors and Witnesses – Audio Conferencing for Tribunals and Oral Hearings


Download PDF (248 KB)

Covoid-19 – PBS+SWS Joint Letter on Updated Parole Arrangements

Download PDF (409 KB)

Glossary of Commonly Used Terms


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Members Guidance Manual


Download PDF (854 KB)

Note to Solicitors


Download PDF (219 KB)

Parole Board Scheme of Delegation

Download PDF (234 KB)

Response to Convener letter

Download PDF (228 KB)

Scheme of Delegation


Download PDF (130 KB)

Statement of Principles of Ethics and Behaviours for Members of the Parole Board for Scotland


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Subject Access Request Form for Non Prisoners

This form is for any person who wishes to apply for access to personal data held by the Parole Board Scotland. Please read the Subject Access Request Guidance Notes below before completing this form. A separate form should be completed for each individual.

Download PDF (117 KB)

Submissions Template

Download PDF (18 KB)

The Parole Board For Scotland Guide To Information Available Through Our Publication Scheme

Download PDF (183 KB)

VNS Data Sharing Agreement


Download PDF (263 KB)

Victim Code for Scotland

If you are a victim of crime you have a number of rights. This Victims’ Code for Scotland sets out these rights, how you can exercise these rights and the relevant authorities to contact should you need further help and advice about these rights.

Download PDF (515 KB)

Victim Notification Scheme: Guidance for Victims of Crime


Download PDF (482 KB)

Vision Statement 2018

We will deliver our statutory functions to ensure that only prisoners whose risk can be safely managed may serve the remainder of their sentence in the community under the supervision of a social worker whilst subject to stringent licence conditions.

Download PDF (141 KB)