Thank you for visiting the Parole Board for Scotland’s website. The aim of our site is to provide information and guidance and raise the profile of the Board and the work that it undertakes. The content of the site will be continually developed and we are aiming to produce some new material which will be available on this website. So, please keep returning on a regular basis to keep updated on the Board’s work.
I hope you enjoy and find the website useful.
John Watt,
During 2021/2022 the Board met on 137 occasions to consider cases of prisoners and licenced referred by Scottish Ministers.

The Board concluded
Life Prisoner Tribunals
Extended Sentence Tribunals and
Oral Hearings
Download the Annual Report
The Board’s Annual Report for 2022-23 provides information on The Year’s Work; Board Membership, Meetings and Visits; and Efficiency.
Download the – Annual Report 2022-23